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Recipe: Nicolas Torres, @truelaurelsf, San Francisco

Photo: Anthony Parks, @niftyfiftycocktails


In the Pines, Under the Palms

3/4 oz St. George Terroir Gin

3/4 oz sweet vermouth, like Oliveros

1/4 oz Luxardo maraschino liqueur

3/4 oz toasted coconut rye

Mist a rocks glass with arak (or other unsweetened anise-flavored spirit). Add all ingredients to a mixing glass with ice. Stir until chilled. Strain into the misted rocks glass over one large cube of ice. Garnish with pine tips.

To make the coconut rye:

In a 4qt container, add 2L rye whiskey. Measure 260g coconut oil in a pan on the scale before putting it on an induction burner. Measure 70g coconut flakes into a pint container. Heat coconut oil on an induction burner to 220*F, add coconut flakes, and toast until fragrant and golden brown. Add coconut oil & flakes to cambro with rye. Top off the jar with rye and fill to about 3.2L. Lid and put in the freezer, and let sit overnight (12 hours minimum; we need the coconut fat to freeze and separate from the whiskey). The next day, strain through chinois & oil filter.

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